Having competed in over 30 contests over the years, eventually leading to winning three UK Titles, an Amateur World Title, WNBF Professional status, top 3 in the WNBF Worlds Pro Lightweight Class in two consecutive years, and also two Best Presentation Awards.
I’ve also had my fair share of low placings and ‘messing up’ my contest prep when I first started.
I can help you with Contest Prep from Day 1 Online and/or Face to Face right up until Show day and Post Show covering the following –
This package is for anyone no matter where your location in the world.
- WEEKLY CHECK INS – Check in with me each week to keep you on track.
- UNLIMITED SUPPORT – Unlimited communication and support via email, what’s app, instagram (please allow 24 hours for reply).
- POSING/PHYSIQUE PRESENTATION – via photo, video feedback to really help present your physique to it’s best (One to One Posing sessions via in person or Skype can be arranged separately).
- CUSTOMISED TRAINING & NUTRITION PLANS – With changes implemented as and when required to keep you on track for your target show(s).
- TRAINING VIDEO FEEDBACK – Exercise form coaching via video, in which I analyze your form and critique it to enhance performance and prevent injury.
- TANNING PREP – Skin preparation and getting your tan right to showcase your physique to it’s best.
- ACCESS TO PRIVATE GROUP & CLIENT HUB – Exercise Video Library. Supplementation Guidelines. Recipe Packs. Eating Out Guides and much more.
- DAY OF SHOW – Support on the day of the contest (note I cannot guarantee to be in person at every show, depending on location and dates etc).
The Contest Prep Package I offer can be Online Only or as a Package with Personal Training, One to One Posing sessions to suit to your budget, therefore please click here > Get in touch to enquire.